Cloudways Review & Complete Setup Tutorial - The Best Cloud Web Hosting in 2021

lunedì 26 aprile 2021

Cloudways Review & Complete Setup Tutorial - The Best Cloud Web Hosting in 2021


 "Created for Exceptional Experiences"

video by Hogan Chua 

The power of the Cloud, but without any hassle

As a pioneer in - and popularizer of - cloud hosting, Cloudways offers users significant benefits, including incredible uptime, extremely flexible scalability, and overall better performance than traditional web hosts.

First, why should you consider cloud hosting? Well, the cloud allows multiple servers to host your site, creating built-in redundancy that boosts the speed and security of your site. Plus, cloud hosting allows you to quickly scale your site up or down in response to traffic fluctuations. But if you've tried setting up cloud hosting yourself, you know it's not always the easiest to understand or use.

Cloudways allows you to ignore the annoying technical complexities and focus on building your site. In other words: you can choose Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, or one of several other infrastructures to host your site, and Cloudways will actually manage your cloud hosting for you.

You could be a freelancer building your portfolio or a self-employed entrepreneur selling robot pants and needing an online store. You could be the manager of the local hair salon and bait shop, and you just need to have your WordPress site on a reliable cloud hosting. Either way, Cloudways Managed Hosting Plans are designed to help you bring your content to the cloud easily and reliably.

Cloud-based integrations

Cloudways is best known for offering "cloud integration". This is also why it is popular with developers and owners of large websites that need high performance (it is also why it is absolutely not suitable for most ordinary website owners).

If that sounds like gibberish to you - essentially, it means that you can create a server hosted on one of the six major cloud providers without having to create an account on other hosts, but only on Cloudways.

Furthermore, since Cloudways is a managed host, it will not be necessary to deal with the daily management of technical activities such as updating the software or configuring the server. I would say it is a victory for everyone!

Staging sites and URLs

Cloudways offers unlimited staging areas and URLs, which means you can easily test new elements and make changes to your code without interfering with your website in real time.

What else does it offer? a tool that allows you to clone the entire server (or even individual files and databases), so you can easily move your website to a staging URL and then apply the changes live once you're done.

Features that improve performance

As you'd expect from a premium managed hosting provider, you'll get a wealth of built-in tools to optimize page load speeds, especially during peak traffic times. These include SSD storage, integrated caches (Memcached, Varnish, and Redis), and CloudwaysCDN. If you anticipate a sudden spike in traffic due to a promotion, you don't need to worry about your site crashing.


More than excellent in speed and performance
Since the Cloudways platform integrates the services of third party cloud providers, it is necessary to refer to individual companies for Uptime Service Level Agreements. The good news is that Cloudways only partners with reputable vendors like DigitalOcean, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud.

Since these are the best cloud providers in the industry, Cloudways boasts loading speeds that are 40% to 50% faster than ordinary hosting services. No downtime or slow website issues were reported, in fact Cloudways has earned a reputation for reliability and speed.

That said, if you run a website with a high volume of traffic, you need to be sure your host can keep up with the demand. To make sure Cloudways could really produce satisfactory results in this area, I tested it with Sucuri's Load Time Tester.

The results have been impressive - Cloudways is pretty awesome. The website I built on Cloudways scored A + overall, with load times of under half a second for most countries.

The worst results were reported for Australia and Tokyo (in Tokyo the loading times were close to two seconds), but since the servers I had selected were located in London, this is also normal. On average, the time to the first byte was 200 milliseconds.


24/7 customer service with live chat
Customer service is available 24/7 via live chat and there is an online ticket system. If you'd rather speak to someone on the phone, you can request a call back. 

You can also refer to Cloudways' extensive knowledge base, which includes a myriad of help documents and tutorials. Alternatively, if you want to chat with other developers and tech geeks, you can post a question on the dynamic community forum.

Like the rest of the website, the customer support pages are well laid out and easy to navigate.


Its lower prices are as high as those of the top tier packages from most shared hosting providers. However, that's to be expected, as this is a premium managed solution that caters to website owners who need high-performance hosting.
The good thing is that you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time, and since billing is calculated on an hourly basis, you only pay for what you use. Once logged in to the dashboard, you can easily view a screen of the usage and expenses made so far.

There are three days of free trial. Keep in mind that most managed hosting providers won't offer you any kind of free trial, so Cloudways is quite generous in this respect. If you decide to commit to a paid plan, the only payment options are Visa, American Express, and Mastercard.

Cancellations and Refunds

Since you will only pay for the resources you have used there is no refund policy or money back guarantee .. In fact, the terms clearly state that Cloudways will only refund unused services.

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