How to Install WordPress on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Cloudways

domenica 16 maggio 2021

How to Install WordPress on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Cloudways


Cloudways offers an intuitive platform through which you can easily launch your AWS server and install WordPress application. It takes away all the hassles of server management and allows you focus on your business needs.

Why choose Cloudways?

Their unique performance tweaks guarantee nothing but the best!

Dedicated Environment

All servers launched on Cloudways have dedicated resources. Contrary to the limitations of shared hosting, their dedicated environment allows you to maximize server and app performance. 

 SSD-Based Hosting 

SSD drives are 3x faster, facilitating breathtaking performance and reduced page load times for your dynamic websites.

Built-in Advanced Caches

They provide an optimized stack with ready to use caches including Memcached, Varnish, Nginx, and Redis to deliver expedited responses.

PHP 7 Ready Servers

All their server are PHP 7.3 ready. PHP 7 is known to be significantly faster than its predecessor.


CloudwaysCDN is a powerful yet simple service that delivers superior performance and top-of-the-chart global response times. It can be integrated in a few clicks without any technicalities.

Auto-Healing Managed Cloud Servers

You don’t have to worry about your website crashing. Most of the issues within the server are resolved with auto-healing restarts.

Free WordPress Cache Plugin

Breeze is engineered in-house to offer better WordPress performance than any other plugin in the industry. With simplicity at zero cost, Breeze comes pre-installed on Cloudways.

Redis Support

Enabling Redis improves the performance of databases. Combined with Apache, Nginx, and Varnish get you unbeatable performance.

Free Magento Full Page Cache

Built-in Full Page Cache gives you one of the fastest hosting stacks. It significantly improves the performance of Magento 1.x stores.

Pre-configured PHP-FPM

PHP-FPM dramatically speeds up your website and improves the loading times of your PHP environment with much faster processes.

HTTP/2 Supported Servers 

Cloudways servers are HTTP/2 enabled which significantly increases the speed of communication between the web servers and clients.

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